Private tutoring is face-to-face (virtual) to ensure that the student is genuinely understanding the subject being taught. Tutoring can be reserved for individuals or groups studying the same material.
Each session is designed for 50 minutes, 1 hour 20 minutes, or 1 hour 50 minutes, with 5 minutes (per hour) set aside to prepare for the next session, and supply handouts/worksheets. The maximum time a student can reserve is 2 hours/day. After your first session has been completed, an initial assessment and action plan will be created.
We believe in student focused tutoring, and provide a customizable learning program that meets each student’s specific goals.
Clients have the option of an hourly rate with reservations as they go, or can opt for tutoring bundles for a lower rate. No matter what you choose, feel confident that you have a made the decision that will jump start your academic career so that it is back on the right track, the track to success with Alpine Academics.
Hourly rates are below:
High school level starts at $50/hour.
High school honors level starts at $60/hour.
High school advanced preparatory level starts at $70/hour.
College level starts at $70/hour.
Graduate level starts at $80/hour.
Standardized Test preparation ranges from $70-100/hour.
Consultations vary in cost, but typically range from $80-100/session.
Alpine Academics offers Military Discounts and Tutoring Bundles!